Find Ways to be Humbled

March 14, 2009

The most dangerous place to be is one where you believe your own dope. Once you believe it, you don’t need to defend it; and when you don’t defend it, you stop looking for even better truths. Kevin Kelly’s website is one place that I can go to be reminded that the world will always know more than I do. When I am humble, I can do my best thinking because I will not settle for my own conclusions. Where do you find humility?

I live a life that swings back and forth over a line of balance. Some days I am a genius and other days the fool. I am alternately wise and silly. If I find myself too long over one line, I need to be jolted back. I generally don’t suffer from overconfidence, but when I do there’s a quick solution. A spin around the Internet will ground me and often start a productive intellectual process. For a truly humbling experience, visit KK’s website and read his background. Then wander through the pages that most interest you. There is something here for either side of your brain. You can look at cool technology products for your use or inspiration, or if you can read some of his ideas and share yours with him. This dude is smart and insightful, but he admittedly becomes that way by drawing on his community of readers and a humble lifestyle.